An Introduction To Accepting Credit Cards On The Internet Part-7
The greatest tip I can give you when applying through these companies is this - minimise risk. Of applicants that do get refused many of them are refused on the grounds of high risk. That's what these companies look for. So wherever possible, find ways to make your business appear a "safe bet" and you'll greatly increase your chances.
I don't mean lie - far from it - you'll end up in far more trouble than it's worth but...
Aim to start small, selling low priced items. Aiming to sell a few hundred $10 items per month is much less risk than aiming to sell 10,000 television sets. Think small to start off with, then expand slowly.
Prove you're financially solvent - some companies will ask you to prove your personal net worth. They may ask about your credit card bill, mortgage and more so minimize your debt wherever possible.
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